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A member registered Dec 15, 2021

Recent community posts

Huzzah! Long live Lord Lars Zawkian!

Excellent, a guide is just what we needed in this game! Will Triple R get the same treatment?

Cool, I look forward to it. While I have a similar situation with Triple R, this game is even more nuts.

Is there a game Wiki for this? The paths branch so much that I can't keep track of them.

Version 0.19 file that was just uploaded isn't working for pc.

Never have I been so happy to see an update!

It couldn't be helped. With all the changes in staff, compatibility, and game engines, it would have been a miracle for everything to go off without an issue. I'm just happy they didn't need to start over completely from scratch as they did with the Renpy change.

Explore swamp is bugged.

Most likely. Hyao is very consistent with his uploads.

To whom it may concern,

No, the game isn't dead. They needed to change game engines because the phone, in the android version, was broken.

They are finishing up final tests at the time of this post.  An update will be made for backers soon with a month after.

I know this game is fantastic, and we are all itching for an update, but we need to remain calm.

If you need to be in the know, join the discord and converse with the community.

The team switched to a new engine to address that very issue. Patreon backers will be getting the long-awaited release soon. will be getting said release next month.

I'd settle for early access but that wouldn't be fair to backers. Also, that gif is hilarious. 

They had to change game engines to make the phone work properly on androids. Patreon subscribers are about to receive a long-awaited update. will receive said update one month later.

Shame this hasn't had an update in some time it had potential.